AFS - Angelo Fiori Spa
AFS stands for Angelo Fiori Spa
Here you will find, what does AFS stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Angelo Fiori Spa? Angelo Fiori Spa can be abbreviated as AFS What does AFS stand for? AFS stands for Angelo Fiori Spa. What does Angelo Fiori Spa mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Rome, Lazio.
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Alternative definitions of AFS
- American Fisheries Society
- Available For Sale
- Andrew File System
- American Field Service
- American Field Service
- Asian Fisheries Society
- Air Force Station
- American Foundry Society
View 265 other definitions of AFS on the main acronym page
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- ABSA Asian Business Student Association
- AIM Ascend Inbound Marketing
- AVC Acute Vision Consultants
- AHP Atlantic Health Partners
- AMPH Aspen Management Partnership for Health
- ADML Aspire Development Management Ltd
- ATT Arc Tooling Technology
- AUSIB Alliance for US India Business
- AMCF Asia Muslim Charity Foundation
- ADC Advance Delivery Consulting
- AST A+ Storage of Tennessee
- AHGP Adam Har and Guy Projects
- AESL Automotive Engineering Services Ltd
- ABS Accelerate Business Solutions